Below is a list of links that include important information about the proposed hotel project’s site, plans, and design. One can find site environmental reports, site history, maps, Mitigated Negative Declaration documents, building plans, and resident feedback regarding the project. If you need a list of City of Glendale contact information, please visit our post: Contact Glendale City Officials, and a full list of City contact numbers.
Planning Department packet compiled, including the most recent design and building plans reviewed on January 10, 2019.
The link above is from the City of Glendale web site. You can also view/download our copy here:
Older documents for 1633 Victory Boulevard
- Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (from the City of Glendale web site, or view our copy here: )
- Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (from the City of Glendale web site, or view our copy here: )
- Plans (These are the first set of plans submitted by the Applicant. Please see the first link above for the most recent Planning Department packet compiled, including the design reviewed on January 10, 2019.)
- California Emissions Estimator Module (CalEEMod version 2016.3.2) Report (from the City of Glendale web site, or view our copy here: )
- ESA Phase I (from the City of Glendale web site, or view our copy here: )
- ESA Phase II (from the City of Glendale web site, or view our copy here: )
Please email us if you would like us to include any information you feel should be added to this list.