Alley traffic photo of the day; March 26, 2019 (continued)

Re: Appeal of Design Review Board decision PDR 1723012-B; 1633 S. Victory Blvd. 3-story, 64-room hotel with ingress and egress access to 2 level of underground parking from public alleyway — allowing for a single business monopolization of alleyway and burden of cumulative traffic congestion.

As the date approaches for our appeal case to be heard by City Council, we will be adding photos to our feature called “alley traffic of the day.”  The point of this is so that our concerns about cumulative alley congestion, resident access, and potential of injury are not heard as typical generic cries of “traffic,” but are instead clearly demonstrated, over time, and shown to be a real condition, not merely an opinion based in projection, assumptions, or fear.

Picking up where we left off on March 26, 2019, we have several examples of alleyway congestion.

Below: A black Cadillac pauses as a sanitation truck empties containers. After emptying a container, the sanitation truck also experiences a delay. (time: 10:43 a.m.)

Below: Looking to the left of the black Cadillac and sanitation truck, we see a small silver passenger vehicle attempting to pass the truck.

Below: Despite its small size, the silver car is unable to pass, instead opting to wait adjacent to garage doors and between telephone poles as the large truck passes.

As we can see in the many examples of sanitation vehicles making their rounds, they require a buffer far enough from the property lines that the large vehicles must pass the midpoint of the alleyway. There must be adequate clearance for trash bins as well as the space required for the truck’s mechanism to secure and lift the bins.

The addition of ride-sharing vehicles and those of independent motorists attempting to approach or depart from an alleyway hotel entrance could easily cause additional congestion. On days of high traffic for the hotel (including arrivals, guest excursions, and departures), this problem could easily become exponentially worse.

It is our sincere hope that the Glendale City Council will view these photographs and consider all of their implications; from issues regarding resident inconvenience and prevention of usage, to the potential for property damage, injury, or fatality.

Please email City Council at the addresses below and let them know that measures must be taken to mitigate the cumulative traffic congestion caused by allowing hotel patrons to occupy both lanes of alley traffic. The solution to this is to require incoming hotel traffic to approach the underground parking entrance while remaining on the hotel property exclusively, and only exiting into the public alleyway. This method of incoming traffic approach has been used by all businesses previously located at the same location.

Voice your opposition to PDR-1723012-B by emailing or speaking to CITY COUNCIL

This entry was posted in 1633 Victory Blvd., Alleyway traffic, City Council, City Services, Glendale, Glendale City Council, Glendale Design Review Board, Glendale Rancho, PDR-1723012-B, Riverside Rancho, Substandard Motels/Hotels, urbanization and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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